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Candid Industrial Training, a Corporate Institute, is, managed by a team of dedicated and committed and highly qualified software & hardware professionals . The computer institute is fortunate enough to have been associated with expert and experienced faculty in the fields of Software, Hardware and Web Technologies with well-built infrastructure and 24/7 Lab assistance.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Swings and AWT

Swing and AWT

GUI Components
1. Introduction
2. Displaying Text and Images in window
3. Event Handling
4. Listener Interface
5. JButton, JComboBox  and JList
6. Multiple Selection List
7. Mouse Event Handling
8. Adapter Class
9. Key-Event Handling
10. Layout Managers
11. Using Panels to Manage More Complex Layouts
12. JSlider
13. Windows: Additional Notes
14. Menus and Frames
15. JPopupMenu
16. Pluggable Look-and-Feel
17. JDesktopPane and JinternalFrames
18. JTabbedPane
19. Layout Manager: BoxLayout and GridLayout

Graphics and Java 2D
1. Graphics Context and Graphics Objects
2. Color Control
3. Font Control
4. Drawing Lines, Rectangles and Ovals
5. Drawing Arcs
6. Drawing Polygons and Polylines
7. Java 2d API

Applets and Applications
1. Introduction
2. Loading, Displaying and Scaling Images
3. Animating a Series of Images
4. Images Maps
5. Loading and Playing Audio Clips
6. Playing Video

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